What’s to love about ADHD

The harmful components of ADHD seem to be peppered into every article, TikTok, and advice column. Each harped on repeatedly with little emphasis on the positive. While these sources are all great for informational purposes, it’s time to inject some positivity into the conversation! We’re here to say that, yes, ADHD comes with a slew of positively unfun struggles, but it also comes with some unique gifts that make the side effects easier to bear. Each ADHD-er is different, but we think these are the common ADHD traits worth celebrating. 

  1. Enhanced Creativity

ADHDers often take “out of the box” thinking and run with it, resulting in uncommon levels of creativity. This genuine innovation likely stems from life with ADHD, which may give the person a different perspective on life and encourage them to approach tasks and situations with a thoughtful eye. This is even research-backed! Studies show that individuals with ADHD can come up with a broader array of unique ideas than neurotypicals when tasked with a creative assignment.

     2.    Hyperfocus

When you think of ADHD, you probably associate it immediately with distractability, but individuals with the disorder don’t always struggle with focus. Many experience a phenomenon called “hyperfocus,” where they become so engrossed in the things they love that any form of distraction around them doesn’t faze them whatsoever. Being hyperfocused can make them lose track of time and become oblivious to their surroundings, but it can also result in intense productivity.

     3.    Spontaneity

Acting on impulse isn’t always bad! Sometimes that spontaneous nature leads to a more adventurous life. People with ADHD are more likely to be the “life of the party” or try new things that others might avoid due to their risky nature.

    4.    Resilience

ADHD isn’t always a walk in the park, and we all face disappointments and setbacks from the everyday struggles that come along with it. However, these repeated hurdles allow ADHDers to excel at pushing past setbacks, creating new strategies, and moving forward with a positive outlook. Overall, while challenging, the disorder provides an undeniable strength and capacity to bounce back. 

    5.    Energy

While this isn’t always the case, some individuals with ADHD often have seemingly endless amounts of energy. This unmatched vibrancy can be channeled toward success in work, school, or hobbies. Conversely, many people with ADHD feel exhausted daily, so the spectrum is vast. 


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