Holidays gift for people with ADHD

Whether you’re shopping for your favorite ADHD-er or looking for executive dysfunction-specific items to add to your wish list, we’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of neurodivergent-friendly gifts that range from fun to functional and everything in between. 

A Planner

We’re not just talking about any regular old planner, though! Nowadays, you can find planners designed specifically with ADHD in mind. These ones from Imperfect Inpiration are made to mimic the way a neurodivergent brain works. If you bought planner after planner and let them all gather dust, ask for one that works for you and give yourself the gift of a completed to-do list!

A YNAB membership

We know budgeting is not the most fun gift, but boy is it life-changing! One challenging symptom of ADHD is impulse spending. Fun in the moment, but you pay for it later (literally.) The YNAB app allows you to be intentional with every dollar you spend and create a budget to fit your current and future needs. Plus, budgeting means more money to buy yourself actually exciting gifts later on.

Weighted Blanket

Think of a weighted blanket as an essential multi-tool for individuals with ADHD. Daily use can ease anxiety, help balance brain chemistry, sharpen focus, and improve sleep. The list goes on and on, but in short, these blankets make the ideal neurodivergent companion.  

Headspace Subscription

While trying to keep up in a fast-paced world, the best present to give or get is mental peace. Headspace is an app that features guided meditations, sleep sounds, and daily mindfulness practices. It’s basically one ample opportunity to tell your brain to kindly shut up.

Shower Notepad

If you ever thought of a fantastic, world-altering idea and then felt it slip away, never to be remembered again, you know precisely why we believe a shower notepad is required. With ADHD comes immense creativity but also forgetfulness. The solution? Be ready for genius to strike at all times, even if it’s in the bath.

The Five-minute Journal

Journaling is scientifically proven to reduce depression and boost mood, but putting pen to paper is not as easy as it sounds. We love the Five-Minute Journal because it allows us to reap 

Yana Pillow

There’s a direct correlation between how you sleep and how you feel. Sleep quality is a telling indicator of health and happiness. If you have executive dysfunction, rest becomes even more essential and plays a vital role in managing your ADHD. This full-body pillow allows you to find all the benefits of journaling in a short, easily digestible time frame. comfort easily and avoid the urge to toss and turn, encouraging deep and restorative sleep night after night. You’re ADHD will thank you later.


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