Avoid this years Summer Cold

It’s warm weather across most of the Northern Hemisphere right now and in some parts of the country, it’s extremely hot. In the winter, people tend to give more attention and focus on immune health to fight off the “common cold” and forms of infection. Still, it can be surprising for people to learn and to experience (around the time they start coughing, getting chill or notice sluggishness) that warm weather does not mean you’re 100% guaranteed to be out of the woods for a cold. Enter, the Summer Cold.

The reason the Summer Cold is a phenomenon is because, strictly speaking, a person catches a cold when they come into contact with another person who has an infection of some kind. All that’s required is proximity to transmit the germs that cause it. For this reason, it’s important to consider the nutrients your body is getting that help support natural defense from viruses. Elderberry has been shown in one study to “reduce the cold duration and symptoms in air-travellers”. With summer travel in high-drive, it might be the perfect time to consider Elderberry.

One of the reasons colds tend to be more common in the winter is because of the lack of natural Vitamin D due to shorter, darker days. Vitamin D is naturally generated from exposure to the sun, so we have less of it in the winter when we get less sunlight exposure. A “randomized trial of vitamin D supplementation to prevent seasonal influenza” is discussed in one study that shows the benefits of accessing Vitamin D.

Helping to support a baseline level of health in your immune system is key when considering the phenomenon of Summer Colds and also investing in your overall health. Zinc was described in one study as “the gatekeeper of immune function” in which “the benefits of zinc supplementation for a malfunctioning immune system become clear”. 

Recoop Immunity contains 10 total ingredients, including Vitamin D, Elderberry and Zinc, designed to help support a healthy immune system all year long.* The ingredients help support:

  • Body Ease

  • Sustained Energy

  • Healthy Lungs

  • Natural Resiliency

  • Balanced Digestion

  • Healthy Heart

  • Mental Clarity

  • Gut Health

When it comes to immunity, your first line of defense is a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining general wellness guidelines strengthens the health of your entire body, including your immune system. Your body functions better when protected from environmental stressors and supported by healthy-living strategies including:

  • Exercise regularly

  • Eat a diet high in healthy fats and fresh, seasonal produce

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation

  • Get adequate sleep

  • Minimize stress and meditate when you can

  • Wash your hands frequently and take extra care when cooking, especially meats


Are you absorbing your vitamins?


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