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How to Stay Focused During the Holidays

With impending holiday excitement in the air, it's easy for work and chores to get placed in the backseat accidentally. For most of us, though, this isn't an option. We need to stay in the zone to hit deadlines and stay productive, even with a million other things floating through our heads. If you're feeling unfocused, join the club. We love the holidays but don't love how deeply chaotic they can be, especially for individuals with ADHD. Here are six tips to help you stay focused and organized all holiday season long.

1. Avoid Multitasking

Accomplish one item on your to-do list at a time without trying to jump from project to project. This time is chaotic enough, and you'll spend more time trying to get your bearings than actually completing work. 

2. Don't mix work and play.

It's tempting to spend that conference call Christmas shopping, but resist the urge! Similar to multitasking, wearing two hats at work can further complicate things. Just focus on the role that you're currently in. If that's your job, just do your work and then worry about Christmas gifts and holiday plans when you're off the clock.

3. Take time off!

Regain focus by giving yourself the time to rest and recharge. Burnout results in feeling discombobulated, exhausted, and, yes, totally unfocused. Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is take some time for yourself. Surviving the holidays is all about balance and not pushing yourself to your limit.

4. Make a Master to-do list.

By master to-do list, we mean write everything down, from your work deadlines to your shopping list to your holiday decorating. Having it all in one place will allow you to breathe easier, feeling confident that you won't forget something. What should you do after it's all written out? Start crossing items off and enjoy the dopamine rush from knocking each task out. 

5. Remove all distractions

Make sure whatever task you need to complete has a space free of diversions. If you're trying to work from your couch but can't stop looking at the presents that need to be wrapped, staying focused will be almost impossible. Think about things that have distracted you in the past and remove them from your space before you sit down to work.

6. Don't overcommit.

Being a "yes man" isn't always a good thing. We know the urge to commit to everything is strong during the holidays, but it'll leave you overwhelmed and knee-deep in stress. Be selective of the projects, parties, and events you say yes to. This time of year is too fun to be spent doing things you don't have the time or want to do. Prioritize yourself so you can stay focused on the things that matter most.